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Demonlord Empty Demonlord

Post by Aspirine101 Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:23 pm

Well, here I will be suggesting the Demonlord skill tree. Prepare for the wall of text, for it shall come. Lets start with this:
"The Master summoner earned much knowledge about the demons and their powers. He will now be able to summon minions from the very depths of hell. Later, he will learn to morph into one of the minions"

Ok so if you understand, the Demonlord is a Necromancer. This is how it should look like: You will need to play with the summoner tree until you killed terror Baal. When you kill him, the swirlies will appear. Cube your class charm with a gem to unlock the Demonlord skill tree. Putting a point into the Demonlord tree will lock all your skilltrees and refund all the skill points wasted (if you didn't reset skill before you putted a point, idiot Very Happy). The first point in the Demonlord tree will be: "Unlock summon lesser demon".
The second will be: "Unlock summon greater demon"
The third will be: "Drain Soul"
The fourth will be: "Enslave Demon"
The fifth will be: "Unlock summon prime evil's spirit"
The first uberskill shall be: "Metamorphosis"
And the second uberskill(yeah there could be two, for only one spec, 'cause its very special) shall be: Hellgate

Now I will explain everything: I will firstly explain the Drain Soul and Enslave Demon skills.
Drain Soul puts a curse on a target, which drains some damage over sec, based on spell power, points putted in the skill etc... The curse lasts 15 sec, if the target dies while the curse is on it, you will gain a soul shard. Ill explain the use of them later.

Enslave Demon (requires a soul shard), this skill will attempt to enslave a demon. If it fails, the demon may enrage. So how it works: (every point invested will increase the enslaved demon's damage, health and velocity by 10%)
If you try to enslave a regular demon, there is 85% chance it will succeed, if not, the demon will have its damage and health increased by x3
If you try to enslave an elite demon, there is a 50% chance it will succeed, if not, the demon will have its damage and health and attack+casting speed increased by x5
If you try to enslave a heroic demon there is a 30% chance it will succeed, if not, the demon will have its damage, health and attack+casting speed increased by x13
If you try to enslave a veteran demon (I don't know if we have veteran demons actually, i think all of them are veterans?) there is a 17% chance it will succeed, if not, the demon will have its damage, health and attack+casting speed increased by 30x
If you try to enslave a legendary demon ( Bouncing Mr. Green ) there is a 15% chance it will succed, if not, the demon will have its damage and health increased by 15x and attack+casting speed increased by 3x
If you try to enslave a boss, there is a 2% chance it will succeed, if not, the boss will have its damage and health increased by 50x

Metamorphosis uberskill: Turns you into a demon of your choice, granting you its abilities (See below for what "choice" means) (every point invested increases damage and health and velocity while in demon form by 5%) It also locks your "unlock summon prime evil's spirit charm"

Hellgate uberskill: Summons a portal from hell, unleashing many demons which swarm your targets (5 min spell timer, lasts 30 sec, summons 25 regular demons, and 5 elites, more skill points invested means MOAR demons summoned (every point invested, 1 more demon summoned and every 5 points invested, 1 more elite demon is summoned))

Now for the "unlock" skills, choices and what-not:
"Unlock" skills: well lets say you invested at least 1 point in every unlock skill. Now the skills Summon lesser, greater, and prime evil spirit are unlocked, but currently useless.
Now you will need to do a simple challenge: You enter an uberlevel, kill the bosses and get some charms. It will be like that:
You kill first boss, you earn the Lesser Demon charm.
You kill second boss, you earn the Greater Demon charm.
You kill third boss, you earn the Metamorphosis charm.
You kill fourth boss, you earn the Upgrade (or Utility?) charm.
You kill fifth boss, you earn the Prime Evil's Spirit charm.

Now when you get all the charms, you go into another custom uberquest, this time a dungeon uberquest, and it is EMPTY. You use Dark Summoning, and a completely random demon appears, it can be regular or elite. When you kill him, it will drop its soul, if you killed a regular demon, it will be a regular soul (specific regular soul, of the specific demon, for example "Soul of Zombie" or "Soul of Fallen Shaman").
If you killed an elite demon, it will drop an elite soul, specific aswell.

Now you have a few options with the souls. Regular soul:
You CAN cube it with the lesser demon charm.
You CAN cube it with the upgrade charm.
You CAN cube it with the Metamorphosis charm.
You CANT cube it with the greater demon charm.
You CANT cube it will a prime evil's spirit charm.

Elite Soul:
You CANT cube it with the lesser demon charm.
You CAN cube it with the upgrade charm.
You CAN cube it with the Metamorphosis charm.
You CAN cube it with the greater demon charm.
You CANT cube it will a prime evil's spirit charm.

Cubing a soul with a lesser/greater demon charm will allow you to summon the specific demon. As you invest more points to the Unlock summon lesser/greater demon skill, their damage, health and velocity increases.

Cubing a soul with an upgrade charm will give you a passive increase to all summoned demons, and you, while in demonform, random stats (if you cube an elite soul, the stats value is higher) it can be everything, summoned minion's health/damage, health/damage for you etc...

Cubing a soul with the Metamorphosis charm will allow YOU to turn into the demon.

The Lesser Demon charm can be cubed 25 times
The Greater Demon charm can be cubed 5 times
The Metamorphosis charm can be cubed only once
The Upgrade charm can be cubed 50 times
The prime evil's spirit charm can only be cubed once

Cubing a summon demon charm more than once with the same soul will increase the summoned demon's quantity.

Now for the Prime Evil's Spirit:
You have 5 choices: Mephisto, Diablo, Baal, Azmodan, Belial

To earn Mephisto: go into his room, kill him, use dark summoning after he is dead, his spirit will appear, kill it, you will gain the swirly effect, cube your prime evil's spirit charm and you will get the Summon Mephisto's Spirit oskill.

Same for all. Yes, Belial is a heroic boss, Azmodan is an uberboss, and dest baal is very hard.

Spirit's Stats: Mephisto:
Focused on stuns, knockbacks etc. While having very low health and moderate damage.
Focuses on damage, while having low health.

Baal: Has a heroic shield which drops more commonly than original Dbaal's shield, focuses on defenses, has a lot of health/def/resists while low on damage. Also puts an aura on all of the minions which increases their health and resists by 15%.

Azmodan: Low damage, moderate health, renders all your minions immune if he is very close to them (half screen away or closer). When Azmodan dies, all your minions will die instantly.

Belial: No heroic shield, good damage, good health, summons ratfinks and hangmen.

*****Optional***** Demonlord only charm:
In destruction difficulty, go to diablo's sanctuary. Activate the 5 seals, and use Enslave Demon on diablo. If it fails, relog and try again.
If you managed to succeed to enslave diablo, you will gain an aura which reduces your health to 1, defense to 0, and resists to 0.
The enslaved Diablo will have its health increased by x5. Now, you will need to go into any place, and make the MOBS kill your enslaved Diablo. If they succeed, he will drop something like (didn't really though of name)

Enslaved Soulgem
Necromancer Only
+1 to all skills
+15% to summoned minion's damage
+15% to summoned minion's health
+25% to summoned minion's resistances

Thats all for now, I will probably update this and I hope you guys, and Marco, will like this. (hope its not hardcoded aswell Crying or Very sad )
Lord Primus

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Demonlord Empty Re: Demonlord

Post by FarisASiS Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:33 pm

seems pretty nice for me.but i kinda missing the old grim summon necro style of the cLOD...

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Demonlord Empty Re: Demonlord

Post by Aspirine101 Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:35 pm

I miss it too, and I liked those skellies and golem way more than shadows.
Lord Primus

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Demonlord Empty Re: Demonlord

Post by iwansquall Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:45 pm

Because you have to know that skellies is lagging because of their sprite.

Golem however, have been used already for several occasion except the mud golem (fire golem on druid's elemental spell, iron golem for necrobot and blood golem as minion for bartuc)
Blood Golem

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Demonlord Empty Re: Demonlord

Post by Aspirine101 Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:38 am

Well lets not talk about CLOD and tell me what do you think about the Demonlord Razz

By the way @iwan, if we already talk about CLOD... You mate know that Bone Warriors in K3KBA are excatly the same as Necroskeletons. Same for Bone Mages.
Lord Primus

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Demonlord Empty Re: Demonlord

Post by MarcoNecroX Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:32 am

I appreciate the effort but that's a huge wall of impossible suggestions.

Either way, even if it was possible it pretty much sounds like making an entire game but it's only 1 build. Balancing it as well as creating it would take years.

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Demonlord Empty Re: Demonlord

Post by Aspirine101 Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:04 pm

Oh I understand it really got too big Smile sorry, didn't though it would be that hard Smile
Lord Primus

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Demonlord Empty Re: Demonlord

Post by MarcoNecroX Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:07 pm

Skills don't usually work too well to make certain events, nor detecting monster tiers (elite, etc.) remember they are only stronger monsters with a yellow name. Basically adding conditions to skills can be done via easy stats affecting the player but when going against monsters it gets different. Same as manipulating monster's alliance, there is only a function (the charm function) that allows temporarily to make them your allies. Thats pretty much as far as it goes.

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Demonlord Empty Re: Demonlord

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