Bloodmage Bosskiller

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Bloodmage Bosskiller Empty Bloodmage Bosskiller

Post by SWaP Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:40 pm

ANY mercenary from third act have warp armor, gains him 250 + 10 TCD per level(1440% TCD in total on 119 lvl), have 250 energy factor +5 per lvl (845 energy factor in total) and 200 energy +20 per level (2580 energy in total). That ammounts of energy and energy factor gives him almost maximum buff to spell damage.
Bloodmage Bosskiller Medianefene

So on:
I gave him honorifics (ideally- sacred tier because of higher defence and max sockets), MO'd with +fire spell damage, -enemy fire resist (In total you don't need to stack -EFR higher than 180. It means 6 honorific gear pieces with -30 EFR= 15 MO with -1 EFR).

As result:
Mercenary can wear Sword, Helm, Armor, Belt, Gloves, Boots and Shield (Not counting amulet). Sword is Broad sword or Long sword or another one with 6 sockets. Shield is Bone shield (By default he won't have enough dexterity for it.. so here's amulet MO'd with +2 dex). Any Sacred item requires lvl 30 by default.

All equip MO for +1%fire spell dmg. In total every equipment piece reqlvl is 60. Every armor piece fill with -1%enemy fire resist, BUT not weapon! Weapon must be filled with +3%faster cast rate instead. In total every piece reqlvl is 90, Every armor piece gives +30% fire spell damage and -30% enemy fire resist. While weapon gives +30% fire spell damage and 90% faster cast rate. There's still 28 levels left for MOing, That's equals 14 МО.
 So MO armor pieces with +15% enhanced defence (NOT total char defence! Mercs from act 3 have innate Warp Armor, that giving enough TCD). 12 spheres is enough for 350 percents.
 Just look at this precious defence!
Bloodmage Bosskiller 11110
 And there will 2 spheres left that you can add on your discretion. About weapon- it's more dificult to choose. The only useful sphere in that case is +4 life after each kill.. Also u can add some + str/dex spheres if merc haven't enough stat to carry armor or you can try to find some UMO for it. Here's some examples:
  Nor Tiraj's Flaming Sphere
Fire Resist +10%
+5% to Fire Spell Damage
Adds 25-50 Fire Damage
1% Chance to cast level 30 Flamefront when Attacked
+10 Required Level
  The Demon Core
+4% to Poison Spell Damage
+4% to Fire Spell Damage
1% Chance to cast level 17 Gamma Field when you Kill an Enemy
1% Chance to cast level 17 Apocalypse when you Kill an Enemy
+10 Required Level
  Uldyssian's Spirit
+2% to Spell Damage
+25% Damage to Demons
+5 Energy Factor to Spell Damage
+5 Strength Factor to Spell Damage
+10 Required Level
+10 Life after each Kill
+3% to Spell Damage
1% Chance to cast level 8 Punisher when Struck
+10 Required Level

But you need to find them before Razz
And of course fill weapon sockets with perfect diamonds. And armor sockets with Ral runes (5% fire spell damage)

As result we'll get 3 in 1- incredibble fire-based damager that can kill almost any dest. boss in few seconds. Good tanky merc. Instant healer sometimes.

P.S: My apologies for bad english

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Bloodmage Bosskiller Empty Re: Bloodmage Bosskiller

Post by ValentineLove Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:48 pm

damn your merc is god!


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Bloodmage Bosskiller Empty Re: Bloodmage Bosskiller

Post by romanN1 Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:00 am

There is an alternative for this but of course it's high endgame. Community set + 6 fire RW sword + SSU Large Shield Dryadbark + Lamen of the archibishop amulet with high str+dex roll. Sockets filled with fire spell damage + bonus to strength jewels, all equipment MO`ed with strength, excepting helm that will be MO`ed with -requirements and socketed with 4 Qor runes. This guy can one shot bosses Wink.
The Smith

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Bloodmage Bosskiller Empty Re: Bloodmage Bosskiller

Post by Denshii Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:40 am

nice build bro ;v
Blood Stone

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Bloodmage Bosskiller Empty Re: Bloodmage Bosskiller

Post by Str0b3l Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:56 am

did you make this build because of this?
SWaP wrote:
Str0b3l wrote:i think i need one that has high single dmg vs bosses like diablo or baal
Bloodmage have incredible damage with his Pyroblast and honorific sacred equip MO'd on -Enemy Fire Resist and +Fire Spell Damage and of course Ral runes. My merc on highest lvl char kills destr Diablo in few seconds.
The Butcher

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Bloodmage Bosskiller Empty Re: Bloodmage Bosskiller

Post by SWaP Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:20 am

I planned to post it here long time ago Smile That was just a reason Razz Originally on ru it was writen around half year ago.
romanN1 wrote:There is an alternative for this but of course it's high endgame. Community set + 6 fire RW sword + SSU Large Shield Dryadbark + Lamen of the archibishop amulet with high str+dex roll. Sockets filled with fire spell damage + bonus to strength jewels, all equipment MO`ed with strength, excepting helm that will be MO`ed with -requirements and socketed with 4 Qor runes. This guy can one shot bosses Wink.
Maybe... but too much based on farming and finding veeery special items while here's cheap option which can be done fast and easy

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Bloodmage Bosskiller Empty Re: Bloodmage Bosskiller

Post by suchbalance Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:19 pm

Nice guide mate, here is some feedback:

1) Instead of pasting that big picture it would have been better if you just worked out the spell damage bonus for that energy factor & energy from the formula.

2)  Adding some formatting to the item stats would make them more easily readable. Doesn't have to be fancy. You can just put em in a quote and add some colour.

3) Would you be interested in extending the guide to provide builds for the other mercs? That would be quite useful as I know many people use them (I never did for some reason even in clod) and newbies often ask such questions in SQT.

4) Your English is good enough to not warrant the apologies in the PS.


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