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[v6d] Wraithdin: The Unholy Melee Paladin (miniguide)

I know this guide is not updated for years, but i wanna add something. I followed this when i made my first char, only reading the #1 post. And when i had problems in destruction/ubers i made some research and switched to fire % damage and used BT (black thorns) as my spam ability. And switching to a Oskill Balefire weapon to deal with fire immunity.

Also i used shapeshifter act2 merc at the start, but then i changed to Exemplar merc and it's 10X better. (this is not mentioned in the guide, just if anyone new is reading this).

But other than that the guide is very good, but i don't recommend it as your first character.

by npftd
on Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:18 am
Search in: Paladin
Topic: [v6d] Wraithdin: The Unholy Melee Paladin (miniguide)
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Views: 11924

Borgin's MXLU Stream

I'm thinking about starting up streaming stuff on twitch, and one of my first orders of business is to stream Ultimative. Probably solo.

Would anybody be interested in watching? If even one person says yes I am happy to prioritize Ultimative over, say, my current #1 streaming pick which is Hyperdimension Neptunia. Razz

Let me know, I'm excited to start being a part of the twitch community, and I want to show twitch that D2 is still alive!
by Borgin
on Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:46 pm
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Topic: Borgin's MXLU Stream
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Views: 3716

MarcoNecroX wrote:looks too casual ;p

it's not that casual on the top.

but the creator has to improve the multiplayer competition if he wants the game to progress. just being #1 in a small level is unimportant. there has to be matchmaking between players of similar skill. tournaments with brackets or something.
more control over the environment, less randomness. editor. etc.
by Quirinus
on Mon May 25, 2015 12:03 pm
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Views: 3324

he didn't shoot me down? lol
I never said it was hard to get #1, per se - just when like 2 pairs of people team up, and the rest do stupid shit because they're scared of them. otherwise it's easy.

by Quirinus
on Thu May 21, 2015 8:19 am
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Views: 3324

getting #1 in deathmatch is pretty easy, but team game introduces some more challenge
by kambala
on Wed May 20, 2015 2:13 pm
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Views: 3324

grouping mechanic?

Feeding with W is kinda lame, if he adds a mechanic that prevents too much feeding between two players to prevent people teaming up, it's gonna be better (you can still team up and corner people Q_Q).

It's really easy to get and keep #1 spot with an ally. I tried it once with a random guy.

One of you stays smaller so he's faster and can eat medium/big sized fish. The other stay bigger. When one splits, he feeds all but the biggest blob to the other, then the other feeds him with W until they're back at the original size. (same if you get hit by a virus) If he's split in 2, you gotta get in between his blobs so he can feed you with both instead of shooting mass away with one of his blobs.

That way you can't really get eaten, and can eat everyone.
by Quirinus
on Tue May 19, 2015 6:33 pm
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Views: 3324

anyone playing ?

It's a new viral game (literally too XD). there's like 50k+ people playing it, and there's people streaming it on twitch with 1k+ viewers.


I got to #1 a few times, I'm usually constantly in top10 when I play. it's hard to play and reach #1 when faggots are teaming up in a FFA, and most people do stupid shit.

Topics tagged under 1 on Median XL Forums Balls10

Croatia über alles!
Topics tagged under 1 on Median XL Forums Croati10
by Quirinus
on Tue May 19, 2015 4:27 pm
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Replies: 18
Views: 3324

[XIV-XV] Pouncezon

How many FHR pouncezon need? I don't see it in #1. Sometimes pouncezon can't pounce because stucks at crowd.
by Pinball
on Thu May 07, 2015 10:10 am
Search in: Amazon
Topic: [XIV-XV] Pouncezon
Replies: 315
Views: 16453

[XVc] The Bowazon

Can I do Ureh without Asgardsreia Helm and Akarat's Trek? I'm using Pantheon set. When I take out the bow/armor and replace with the gear like #1 said, the left set-item are seems useless.
by Pinball
on Sun May 03, 2015 1:06 pm
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Topic: [XVc] The Bowazon
Replies: 177
Views: 13699

Heroes of the Storm

A few thoughts:


Specialists are a design failure. The original idea was that you could win by fighting better or by pushing harder. But if your team comp is even slightly worse at fighting than the opponent, you will lose all of the objectives. Because it doesn't really matter whether you lose a tribute 5v5 or temple 1v1 by a sliver of health or get wafflestomped into the ground - you lose, and the enemy takes the objective.

To "compensate" for this, specialists push harder. Of course the enemy will proceed to take the objective and either push back even harder, force a teamfight at an advantage or win the game outright if they take it enough times. You can't beat that just by pushing unless you have enough pushing power to win the game before they get ahead too much.

This means the typical matchmaker team with one specialist on it is the worst possible team comp. You lose combat strength, possibly fatally, but you can't stack enough specialists to win the game before you lose it either. I'm pretty sure Zagara-Azmodan-Gazlowe-Hammer-Tassadar would have a pretty high win rate, but removing specialists from this lineup in favour of combat champions only makes it worse until you have more combat champions than the enemy.

This may be why Sylvanas is such a free win in quick match. She's the only specialist that isn't really a specialist at all but an (overloaded and mobility creeped) assassin.

How to solve: make sure the objectives require some manpower to capture, so when you lose a teamfight and they're down to their 50 hp Li Li, she can't just walk up to the tribute and take it.


The maps vary widely.

Sky temple (2 capture points, stand on them to fire lazors at the enemy base) does a great job at providing a different experience each time you play it. It is also the only map where "being 1% better at fights" doesn't automatically win every objective due to the neutral defenders, and there's a good balance between rewarding objective control and allowing the losing team to counterplay. The barrage at the end is genius because it rewards fighting over a shrine that's about to expire.

The spider map is awesome because it is about laning instead of objective control, which puts it ahead of many of HotS' more mindless objective centric maps. The objective is open ended and the drop points are hard to contest due to the bush, so proper farming skill will carry you to a win. It also has a reasonable degree of complexity and places to hide eggs and nydus worms. Smile

Garden of terror is well designed in that there is little snowballing because you don't get shut out of the objective unless you are really far behind, and it has about as much juking potential as the Dota map. However, it is perhaps the worst map to play with noobs because you HAVE to do the plant bosses (or at least the one on your side) because the solo camps give so few seeds. This requires 3-4 people and the map is so big that many players can't be bothered to walk all the way to the game-winning golden snitch. If they don't care enough to help you get the first boss while the enemy gets theirs uncontested, you know within the first 5 minutes that your chance of winning is 0%.

On to the bad maps.

Dragon Shire has a design flaw. To win the objective, a team has to capture both shrines AND channel the statue. That last part is a deal breaker because it means that a team that doesn't feel like rolling the dice can permanently cockblock the opposing team from ever getting the objective by simply sending one guy to camp near the statue. The enemy can't gank your guy because sending people mid leaves them open for a backdoor. The end result is that both teams waste minutes of their lives pointlessly nullifying each other's progress toward the objective instead of doing something constructive like pushing lanes.

Blackbeard snowballs too much because getting coins is 80% PvE, there's no way to stop coins from getting turned in eventually, and after about two cannon barrages you lose control of the map area that has all of the coins (bonus points in that 2 out of 4 coin camps are covered by the same watchtower). Worse, you drop coins when you die. What ends up happening is that both sides are exactly equal until a teamfight occurs at a chest, watchtower or Blackbeard and the winning team proceeds to loot the entire middle area and is now about 20 coins ahead. GG.

Undead mines is a problem for the same reason. It takes some good lessons from sky temple in that the objective isn't winner-takes-all, but it might as well be because all of the skulls are in a tiny underground area with no vision. You can get about 20 skulls uncontested before you run into each other or some drooling moron starts doing the boss before the enemy team is dealt with. Whoever loses the fight (the side with the guy who was late into the mines or started the boss) gets to defend against Unicron while the enemy takes all of the mercenaries, then defend against the mercenaries and the enemy team. The enemy now owns the middle part of the map and snowballs to a win. On the bright side, did you notice that you can see yourself in the mine through the holes in the overworld? Attention to detail is over 9000.

Cursed hollow sucks giant baneling eggs because the entire map is about periodically interrupting whatever you're doing and having a 5v5 teamfight at a randomly spawning tribute with a 15 second warning. You are doing mercs and can't just stop and run across the map? Too bad, you lose the tribute. Your team is worse at 5v5 than the enemy team? Too bad, you lose every tribute. That's pretty much all there is to it, with a heaping of random luck on top.


Hero design is not as bad as I thought at first, but it isn't awesome either.

The problem is that all of the weird and wonderful heroes are either unviable or (occasionally) OP because all you really need is teamfighting capability. Any hero based on fighting NPCs is a liability on almost every map because their team can't contest objectives (the spider map is the only one that doesn't include a mandatory fight). Abathur, Zagara, Azmodan, Gazlowe are unplayable garbage.

The good part is that their more basic heroes have a strong identity and unique kits. Muradin stuns you, and can get upgrades to stun you some more and yo dawg stun you while he stuns you and then stun you. Zeratul is the #1 1v1 with permanent stealth but sucks at teamfights. Etc. There are maybe 20 viable heroes in the game, but they're an awesome bunch of 20.

There are some boring heroes as well, like Li Li (who's basically Sona), and heals are OP right now, but they can probably fix that. Oh, and mobility creep and overcomplicitis have (already) made their way into the game with the release of Sylvanas, a CertainlyT champion if I ever saw one. Mobility, burst, poke and pushing power, all conveniently in the specialist slot which otherwise has only garbage in it.



Yes, talents are better than items if there is no real choice in which items to take (LoL). There is no real choice in which talents to take either, but at least they do cool things such as giving you flash or letting you flip people twice.

It still doesn't beat a good solid Dota 2 item pool though.

It doesn't help that they are laughably imbalanced. Quick! Which perk is better?

· Psi storm applies a 25% slow for 1 second.
· Psi storm can be cast twice for no extra cost.




Ingame chat is used for two things: to say gg just before you win, or to call each other noobs. Still, things are not as bad as in LoL - the most common insult is "noob" and very occasionally "this [hero X]" as opposed to the LoL community's heavy use of "retard" or "get cancer". Wheee.

Fun fact: there is in fact an individual score: "XP Contribution". Better not have significantly less than everyone else.


Le grind.

Expect about 15K gold within a day due to get-em-hooked bonuses, then gold gains drop off a cliff into the Mariana Trench and drill down into the core of the earth.

Fun fact: unlike in League, you can actually see how much stuff costs, and it turns out that 1000 gold is almost exactly €1. Your 50 gold reward for winning a game? Oh, that's 5 cents. Your 200 gold quest reward? 20 cents. It takes about 20 games to farm a chocolate bar worth of gold. Now you know why League doesn't show you how much things cost.


Keeping this updated.
by Brother Laz
on Sat Apr 11, 2015 4:31 pm
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Topic: Heroes of the Storm
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