[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

Post by Wotan Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:22 am

Chuck is still around on the new forum, but with different name. Trust me.

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

Post by zerger Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:31 am

ah Chuck... I never liked this guy.

Ok some of his guides are interesting (neutraldin for ex) but there are a lot of things to keep in mind:

- he never hide the fact he always played twinked and sometimes, even use some legacy items. To my eyes, his guides are biased by the fact he played with a huge shared stash of SU, a newcomer will have a very hard time by following them

- total a**hole with newbies for some weird reasons....

- I could never forget his Stanceless Barb guide where you use stance :p
Spike Beast

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

Post by Wotan Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:41 am

He probably meant Barbless Stance. Very Happy ...
I never follow anybody's guide , especially the ones where you have all the charms with trophies. Basically its not a guide anymore , and more of a showcase.

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

Post by zerger Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:51 am

Wotan wrote:He probably meant Barbless Stance. Very Happy ...
I never follow anybody's guide , especially the ones where you have all the charms with trophies. Basically its not a guide anymore , and more of a showcase.

Yeah, totaly agree.
A good guide should be a guide which help you to reach lvl120 and to do ubbers. But in Mxl, as the game is balanced to have all kind of chars viable at endgame, this knowledge is independant of the char played, so most of the guides ended to be showcases, giving you some ideas about what kind of char you can play
Spike Beast

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

Post by BassToMouth Wed Jan 09, 2013 12:02 pm

Lol MXL: U at least, the end-game is not balanced at all...

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

Post by Thall Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:57 am

On one hand I can understand him not being overly kind to newcomers since a lot of people will come onto guides not knowing anything and expecting everyone to tell them without even bothering to read anything about the mod.

When I was new to median (2 years ago) I poured over the documents and all the information given on the website. I can kind of understand not appreciating people who don't know how to look for information themselves.
Bloody Butcher

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

Post by MarcoNecroX Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:08 am

Thall wrote:On one hand I can understand him not being overly kind to newcomers since a lot of people will come onto guides not knowing anything and expecting everyone to tell them without even bothering to read anything about the mod.

When I was new to median (2 years ago) I poured over the documents and all the information given on the website. I can kind of understand not appreciating people who don't know how to look for information themselves.

You know, it's a game, and people play it differently. Some people just want to play and not need to grab some docs to get to the next step. Would you play Diablo 3 and read a manual before playing? Hell no, that won't be fun. Specially when they tell you things like "when your life is set to 0, you die". So I can't really blame the people that don't want to study for a game.

Next thing, in a forum, asking questions is exactly what you do. I get stupid questions constantly in PMs and such, and I simply ignore them, no need to be a fag and create hate.

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

Post by Thall Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:53 am

MarcoNecroX wrote:
You know, it's a game, and people play it differently. Some people just want to play and not need to grab some docs to get to the next step. Would you play Diablo 3 and read a manual before playing? Hell no, that won't be fun. Specially when they tell you things like "when your life is set to 0, you die". So I can't really blame the people that don't want to study for a game.

Next thing, in a forum, asking questions is exactly what you do. I get stupid questions constantly in PMs and such, and I simply ignore them, no need to be a fag and create hate.

People need to learn to find information themselves before asking about it. Most of the time people are too lazy to look things up and I'm sure that those are the people that chuck would give shit to because I know I would. I don't mind people asking valid questions but I've come across people who are even too lazy to even type a phrase into Google and look at the first 5 results which usually have what they're looking for.
Bloody Butcher

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

Post by Gekko64 Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:49 pm

holy shit I had no idea Zohan was based on an Adam Sandler movie... watched it yesterday and laughed so hard... disco disco good good XD

I hope chuck comes back, not sure why he got so much hatred on this forum, he was very helpful to me. I guess being polite helps Very Happy

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

Post by bugme Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:09 pm

About the "Crystal" Sorceress build (number 9). I'm wondering that, on the suggested gear list, what does he mean by "Magical craft". Is it shrine crafting? or shrine blessing. Because when I use the Shrine craft recipe. It totally reroll all options of my item. So I think this is not good at all..... so confused.
And also about the Boots and Belt, he just wrote "Magical craft". So, what should I do with them?

Sorry but I'm new to this...

Fallen One

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[2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis  - Page 4 Empty Re: [2012] Compilation by ChuckNoRis

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