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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 3 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by vadust Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:33 pm

@Stoya: smarter will be just do not write about such things in open topics, because you know that ppl will start abuse them, and because of that i agree with Marco, you always can send a pm and just do not show bugs for everyone.

Scaled Mutant

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 3 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by Siddharth353 Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:42 pm

Everyone on d2m already knows about the bugs dclone and the chest so there is nothing to hide now
Astral Guardian

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 3 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by vadust Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:51 pm

Well you know that somebody like me dont know about them and you know some ppl also play in sp, so ...
Honesty i do not care about d2m because ppl abuse dupe and there is no way to fix that( old hmc bug etc).

Scaled Mutant

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 3 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by stoya Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:11 pm

@vadust : i just said that i saw one charm with ridic stats thats all. i dont know how to make that charm with over 1000 stats etc. i didnt exploit it.
+ there will be always bugs and always will be players who use them. like i did before v6b, i played avoidsin a bit. its only players decision in the end if you ask me.

and funniest part is even modder of this mod already exploit laz uber gay method with nun's(vanity uber),not me.

do some research LOL
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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 3 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by vadust Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:58 pm

Well he swear to change their atack type but you right. Laughing
Btw laz isn't a hardest boss atm Smile .

Scaled Mutant

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 3 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by MarcoNecroX Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:46 pm

stoya wrote:sometimes you attack really ridic to me marco and i laugh it now Smile after i got banned from d2maniacs i saw that charm(1month later maybe) jpg from my friend and i was shocked Smile siddhart and rishab showed me btw, dont know whose charm was that Smile i mean my traders chest charm was around 2 to all skills and 30-40 str 120-140 dex and -vita energy... and nearly all my fr list saw all of my charms + items they were all legit. so funny insult to a really good player indeed.
+ we found uber diablo bug and i didnt even use it more than once and didnt tell any1 besides 3 of my fr. death projector bug i mean...

I attack you ridiculously? I got many reasons for this, and one is stated in my post. A good start would be acting a little bit more humble, I mean you're clearly not a median king, you can't even accept your mistakes (see, mf affecting umo drops on short questions thread, you probably still think you're right). You tell in your post you got purposedly banned on d2m for real life, what are you trying to proove? everyone saw how you got into a fight vs that watchdog tstansell and also sunny, ridiculously raging on d2m like a child... If this was the reason for you to quit on d2m you wouldn't have needed a ban, you could just quit like any non retarded person would do.

+ i gave away around 3 5 sleep charm , blablabla

doesn't proove anything, I could say the same yet noone could confirm it. yeye you got all first gz.
I'm not saying you can't play, I'm just saying you're an arrogant prick. That is just a waste of the supposed
potential as a good player you say you are, which I never confirmed yet, so far only things I saw were how
you were beating all new ultimative ubers with 100% avoid sin, after teaching other's how to achieve that.
So now you're saying you didn't do the trader's chest bug, but if you hadn't been banned for raging at randoms,
you would have been one of those people.

worst part is that you post that charm saying 'up to 2000 all stats' when it is CLEARLY a bug. If you don't
realise it's a bug you're just plain retarded, and if you know it's a bug, you're retarded for posting it. If I
didn't disable 100 % avoid sin, you probably would be making a guide about it now.

and funniest part is even modder of this mod already exploit laz uber gay method with nun's(vanity uber),not me.

lame attack attemp, considering I don't even play the game. It's still less uber gay than trying new quests with 100% avoid sin.
It's also pretty much theory - I found out in modding files that they had burn, and I was able to kill Laz with it, but just for
theorycraft. Also laz uber is pretty much for CHEESE, the uber was designed to be almost impossible, if you hadn't started this mod
since about only 1 year you could have seen all the cheese methods that existed vs Laz and see that the concept of the uber
was to be unbeatable due to the changes laz did. It's only beatable thanks to OW bug. No other purify boss actually requires OW,
so that was NOT the concept of the uber. Don't be mad because you can't probably use the nuns trick to beat laz, actually
I never got anyone to confirm that exploit other than me.

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 3 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by RollsRoyce Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:06 pm

its because laz has 30k Life and nuns only deal 200 burn dmg per hit, that why beating laz with nuns is ridicolous.

I think i was one of the first persons who knew about traders chest bug and reported it to marco, along with all cheese methods for uber bosses i experienced. Playing in single player is just not an option for me as you can enable unique drop only and get every item in the game in 1 day.

Stoya indeed is a good player, he tries hard to accomplish things and he usually succeeds. The guide here is merely a start to know what to actually do in the uber, for the harder uber there are just much better strategies than mentioned here.

And yes Versions have bugs and to be honest this particular bug is one reason why i am still playing from time to time on the realm, because i can still improve in one point, i would love to have such endgame things (ofc not in these amounts) that players who play constatntly can improve their chars always a little bit ( its like signet farming - i actually love this)

so a reward of a semi hard boss could be an cube reagent that increases defense by 1 (any small bonus ofc- but it motivates to play the game for a long time, Ultra rune is one of the great additions that actually makes you farming cause its rewarding)

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 3 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by Prestoned Sat Nov 17, 2012 2:19 am

SIGMA wrote:
stoya wrote:sometimes you attack really ridic to me marco and i laugh it now Smile after i got banned from d2maniacs i saw that charm(1month later maybe) jpg from my friend and i was shocked Smile siddhart and rishab showed me btw, dont know whose charm was that Smile i mean my traders chest charm was around 2 to all skills and 30-40 str 120-140 dex and -vita energy... and nearly all my fr list saw all of my charms + items they were all legit. so funny insult to a really good player indeed.
+ we found uber diablo bug and i didnt even use it more than once and didnt tell any1 besides 3 of my fr. death projector bug i mean...

I attack you ridiculously? I got many reasons for this, and one is stated in my post. A good start would be acting a little bit more humble, I mean you're clearly not a median king, you can't even accept your mistakes (see, mf affecting umo drops on short questions thread, you probably still think you're right). You tell in your post you got purposedly banned on d2m for real life, what are you trying to proove? everyone saw how you got into a fight vs that watchdog tstansell and also sunny, ridiculously raging on d2m like a child... If this was the reason for you to quit on d2m you wouldn't have needed a ban, you could just quit like any non retarded person would do.

+ i gave away around 3 5 sleep charm , blablabla

doesn't proove anything, I could say the same yet noone could confirm it. yeye you got all first gz.
I'm not saying you can't play, I'm just saying you're an arrogant prick. That is just a waste of the supposed
potential as a good player you say you are, which I never confirmed yet, so far only things I saw were how
you were beating all new ultimative ubers with 100% avoid sin, after teaching other's how to achieve that.
So now you're saying you didn't do the trader's chest bug, but if you hadn't been banned for raging at randoms,
you would have been one of those people.

worst part is that you post that charm saying 'up to 2000 all stats' when it is CLEARLY a bug. If you don't
realise it's a bug you're just plain retarded, and if you know it's a bug, you're retarded for posting it. If I
didn't disable 100 % avoid sin, you probably would be making a guide about it now.

and funniest part is even modder of this mod already exploit laz uber gay method with nun's(vanity uber),not me.

lame attack attemp, considering I don't even play the game. It's still less uber gay than trying new quests with 100% avoid sin.
It's also pretty much theory - I found out in modding files that they had burn, and I was able to kill Laz with it, but just for
theorycraft. Also laz uber is pretty much for CHEESE, the uber was designed to be almost impossible, if you hadn't started this mod
since about only 1 year you could have seen all the cheese methods that existed vs Laz and see that the concept of the uber
was to be unbeatable due to the changes laz did. It's only beatable thanks to OW bug. No other purify boss actually requires OW,
so that was NOT the concept of the uber. Don't be mad because you can't probably use the nuns trick to beat laz, actually
I never got anyone to confirm that exploit other than me.

i haven't lol'd this hard in a while. I don't see cheesing ubers as much less then exploiting a bug. Especially the laz cheese method you mentioned in your guide. You want players to play legitimately yet you post illegitimate methods in your guide. You should know better marco to not be mad at players for exploited bugs, don't be mad at them for it, that's an expected thing for them to do instead be mad at yourself for not fulling testing charms for bugs before hand. I don't understand what you mean by "stoya crew" and calling them illegitimate as if you would even know you're never on the server. Rather somebodys isp gets banned or not it's a simple task for anybody with static ip adrress to reset their modem and renew their ip address without worrying about playing through a proxy server. And to top it all off you call people out for using avoid sin? fucking really? No one is at fault for that except for yourself. you should have known that would be easily achievable when you started adding avoid to generic items. Like what were you honestly thinking when you put that stat there? Not to mention he STILL beat all the new levels AFTER you patched it and removed the avoid from those items and nerfed it.

I know for a fact that he gave away charms like that because i would see in all chat every 5-7 minutes from him "come to my game for thsi charm if anybody needs" So this dude is an arrogant prick, still a good player yet he feeds the community with charms and items they otherwise wouldn't be able to get in return making them want to play the game even more then they did before because their character is newly upgraded. I don't see that as a waste. Stoya is a very straightforward and honest player. I'm not a "stoya crew" person. You're raging over bullshit. The only reason you ever got on the server was to feed your sin with experience signets to get to the top of the ladder so nobody else could. what a fucking waste. Ya tstansell is a faggot stoya isn't the only person who raged at him. The entire communty thought he was a fudgepacker. Stoya voiced the opinions of what most the server felt about him because they fear of banhammer. Sorry marco but when you're wrong you're wrong.
Ancient Fungus

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 3 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by stoya Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:33 pm

dont know where to start but let me try

@ marco -1) i wanna start with that umo misunderstanding. i am not modder or ultra experience to know everything about this mod. i just wanna share how i farm umo tactic, if you say low/high mf doesnt effect, i absouletly beleive you. no need to argue about it cuz you are modder and you will clearly know better than most of us and i didnt say i am %100 right about that, thats the method works/worked for me. my bad anyway.

2) 'stoya crew' phrase is really funny charge to me and my friends. i always said same shit 'the reason i play on d2maniacs is just the friendship and share our experience and have fun TOGEHER'. i dont have clan/team in d2maniacs, they are just my friends. i met really awesome players/friends there thnx to d2maniacs. even we fought/argue a lot i am still happy to met you,gzuppl,cocostars,seanpwnery,rishab,nitish,aerial,waragainstemos,talon.,rollsroyce,aub,Vn,skulesta and goes on..

3) using avoidsin was my choice and its was not a good move. i saw it from my friend and just take a look 'what its like'. i played it around 3 4 days not more btw and most important part is i REPORTED you that sin's can reach over %100 avoid in game. using that bug was my bad plus, making items with tons of avoid and release mod without enough tests was yours imo. i never charge people like this , maybe you dont have enough time/people to test or some other reasons etc. i am not the person who always says 'i dont care its your fault'. mistake is mistake no need to charge/insult people with them.

4) your behaviour is really sick when it comes to talk/argue things around. did you ever see me to call some1 'retarded' or 'prick'(besides d2maniacs watchdog and stelz bla bla) or something humiliating like that. we can still be gentle/polite while in arguing/talking about this game imo.

5) 'So now you're saying you didn't do the trader's chest bug, but if you hadn't been banned for raging at randoms,you would have been one of those people.' how would you know that? call me arrogant or not, but i dont really need to use any bugs of this game. and you directly insult to me with these words.

6)'if i didn't disable 100 % avoid sin, you probably would be making a guide about it now.' same here. how would you know that X2 ?

7) 'Stoya and his d2m crew exploit this charm to get huge stats charm so they are able to beat the game. it's a little group of players in d2m and they call themselves 'legit players'.
where i laugh a lot is that part. i always remind you your words before you release this mod 'stoya you will not be able to beat new ubers esp witch, secret chyrasoar and marco' and i answered 'it wont take a while for me'. it didnt take while like i said and i always write this things down to remind you never talk ARROGANT. thats why i act like arrogant cause your words really deserved this imo.

Cool and how will i know that traders chest with 2000 13294303928 stats is bug ? did you ever look your secret recipes and that gayprime bow ? you made some uber ultra mega hyper strong things in game. i really didnt think its bug even once.

9) last thing to say, we talked with morphed, gzuppl about diablo uber once. morphed told me, lets try something bullshit, sell key to a vendor and go to death projector and see what will change cause we all know that diablo spawns instead of bosses(or maybe elites too). and we discovered a bug. after this bug i didnt even use ONCE, because i know that if i use i will break the server balance in the end and it will kill my passion so quick.
and we decided to tell this to any1 and keep this until server reset. dont know if they say something to some1 or not but i kept my mouth closed about it and waited for you to REPORT that bug and i did. but you SPAM that bug in d2maniacs CHANNEL CHAT. i hope you remember ?
and you call nun trick about laz theory crafting ha ? i cant see any single theory there ? like you said, you opened text files(or whatever it is and saw nuns burn dmg). where is the theory in it dude?
and worst part is you wrote it in you paladin GUIDE.

10) about perma ban from d2maniacs: is it hard to change ip ? i dont think so ? its shame to be banned from d2 maniacs? i dont think so ? its shame to speak LOUD when something is really bullshit? i dont think so.
i just want to clarfiy 1 simple thing, before sunny or stelzen bla bla banned from d2maniacs(1-2 hour ago), i was talking with gzuppl and cocostars, i told them exactly this ' guys i am happy to met with you here, but i am bored as hell, nothing will be hard/new to me after 2 years experience, i am about to quit d2maniacs, i am hardly addicted to this game, sure i love it so much, time to ban myself' they just laughed and didnt beleive at all until they saw me swearing to tsantsell(or whatever that watchdog).
-> that watchdog banned nearly 6 7 of my friend in d2maniacs, have to say again and again, i care friendship a lot. i was mad at that guy. that mindless was only sitting in the channel and reportin people. i didnt even see that guy in any game even once. and he asked my fr 'how can i dupe', 'which mh you use' etc. it was so clear to understand that guy sick behaviour and sick mind and why he is in d2maniacs. i am the person just clearly rage/mad at when i see something unfair. and i felt its time to speak LOUDLY and good time to ban myself. who cares d2maniacs at all if i lose my friends there ? i dont. and i was mad in the end ofc. cause admins exactly know whats happening but they dont care at all. they wait use to obey thier rules like religious mindless people. while we are fighting stelz bla bla(admin) called himself 'GOD of THIS SERVER' and watchdog approved him. that time i just call him ' you are nothing in this world else than dust and d2maniacs is not garden of your EGO'. at that moment sunny joined , tried to calm down us in the end i didnt stop talking ofc(no need to do that), then she warned me last time about permaban, i said 'i DONT CARE' and i got what i deserve. i never say that my behaviour was good/polite/true etc. i was totally wrong and i know it.

11) i really dont care how people remember me in the end. esp i dont care the name of 'feelgod or stoya'. so i dont care people remember me/call me good player or not. if i care, i will collect all xp signets and ate them end of server etc to be number 1 in the table like most people do. i just call myself good player above avarage thats all. i am not near pro or king of median ofc Smile

conclusion, i dont want to argue/fight with any1 here esp with you marco. i always tried to help you(if i can) and still have HUGE respect to you. you did great job about this mod never judge you by your mistakes/behaviours etc. and if i can help i am here to help as always for balancing/improving things in your mod. lets make peace and we stop talking about bullshits cause it wont help us at all.

feelgod - stoya

do some research LOL
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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 3 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by MarcoNecroX Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:25 pm

@Prestoned: did you read the reason why I posted the cheese method vs laz? It's because that IS the concept of the uber if you look thru MXL history. It has always been CHEESED because it's the way you do laz. Even 100% avoid char can die there. No cheese vs laz was ever bad seen because like I said it's pretty much the point of the uber, just look how the uber was changed with the time. IT IS AN UBER TO BE CHEESED. Providing a cheese method for it is just like providing a regular method anywhere else.

100% avoid sin my problem? ofc it is. And no, I've actually payed attention about sin reaching 100% avoid. The reason for this (I have explained over and over) was a misplaced set bonus on community set, which was giving 10% avoid on 2 item bonus instead of full set - with full set people wouldn't be able to reach 100% avoid. Making a bug is modder's fault, abusing it is PLAYER'S fault. It's just dumb seeing people that abuse these bugs think they're playing legit.

'stoya crew' phrase is really funny charge to me and my friends.

Why do you even care about how I named it so badly? It doesn't matter.
In most cases, it comes from close people to you, the ones that discover the bugs. What happens after is you or one of them teaching regular players how to achieve those bugs. Don't you remember the 8 players game fighting a secret boss I did for VN while you were tanking 10 of them with avoid and people were watching? If you find bugs you just should silenlty report them, doesnt matter if people could later find the bugs out themselves. Not show-off.

About diablo clone - you blame me for saying it on channel. Well, first of all, the bug was widely known already. Secondly, I didn't really care. The uber never hit my expectations , it was really laggy at some points. It wasn't me the one who found the bug out - actually I read it in channels like any other user, so if it hadn't be me the one spreading it out, it could have been anyone. And I just mentioned it twice lol.

Either way, I don't feel like going on to answering every single quote one by one. If I was offensive: I apologize. If I said you won't be able to beat X ubers, its just obvious I was provoking you, and you know it. In the end I needed the most people to be able to complete my ubers. If I wouldn't see you capable why would I have sent you alpha patch as soon as you asked for it ? You know I am not resentful but these stuff like you do on first pages just revives all other things.

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