Guide to all Uberquests

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by ducnh85 Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:29 pm

IF YOUR dam and def is " enough", many ubers become " easy".

But if u not....

Like me, begin from nothing, i try to dont use my friend's share stash- begin from nothing.. do the infernal machine after 10 tries! DO the akarat after 20+ tries

still fail at challenge fraut terror.. it shouldnt be hard like that in terror mode....( i did 4 others challenge easily...).
tran athula and frautz, both are uber arena, same difficult but.. why fraut is too damn ^!%^#@&!# hard like that.

any advice for me- throw zone.. for the beginner....

Desert Cat

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by Griffith Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:06 pm

I did terror fautzn quite easily with T6 gear Wyrmshot Amazon in v7 and now had a much easier time with T6 gear Dual Wield Barbarian (Deathgaze + Bear Stance). Also tried the new Pouncezon guide by Stealthmaster.. WOW. I thought I couldn't do it better.

It's pretty doable with T6 gear mate, just look for a most suitable build for that area.

Read Docs, guides... I stopped being lazy and now I'm truly realizing how amazing MXL is!

Reading tons of stuff takes time but in the end it is worth it.

Skull Ape

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by Mortenkein Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:58 pm

The first post should be updated with new informations. For example, there is no longer possible to lure Belial in Ancient's Way.

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by TQer Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:33 pm

Mortenkein wrote:For example, there is no longer possible to lure Belial in Ancient's Way.

OK, So as you have metioned the case of Belial´s Uberquest, a small personal contribution to this thread that hope could be of help while a veteran player updates this thread.

A brief Offtopic: When I started playing this awesome mod the last year, the way back from Icy Cellars to Ancient Ways had already been disabled so I can´t talked from first hand; but if you ask me I´m pretty sure that this Uber is much more interesting since Marco (...or maybe Laz, as I ignore who is the responsible of this change) removed that feature than it was before, at least in my oppinion as I couldn´t consider really "a tactic" the way this Uber was sometimes shown back in the days of "getting in-getting out".

I have read a few times on this forum that some players find this Uber annoying, and althought I wouldn´t call the fight against Belial my favourite one, in any case it is also an Uber fun to face IMO.

This is the idea I use on this Uber that can be used basically by all toons, no matter the class you were playing (although obviously there are better options than anothers just like in any other Uber):

-This is more or less the Map of the Icy Cellars (the image is taken from the map we found on vanilla D2LOD because I haven´t found any map of that area on Ultimative, so if you count on it feel free to add it here to make the info more accurate. Meanwhile I think this map fits its purpose....and if also someone finds a must to fix my "english" to make it more understandable feel free too; as in any case I wouldn´t call the strange riddles included on my replies properly "english"  Very Happy ):

Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Icycellars_zps03da4199

-On A) we have the entrance to the area.
-The isle in the center of the room (D)) is the place that we might want to use as the arena to fight against Belial.
-The idea, as everyone may know is to summon Belial on any of the "external" islands ("C)"), so then the little rats won´t disturb us during the fight (you can directly blink to the central island once you had summoned Belial or go there running like I did in the video below).
-And as support, we can use for example the Island named as "B)" on that map to place a portal; i.e. in the opposite side to where the entrance to Icy Cellars is. This way we have two ways to get into the ring in the case we had died during the fight, so then corpse recovery is much more easier; the only thing we have to do is lure Belial away from our corpse, and then use of those two entrances, the one where we won´t have to meet Belial on our way to our corpse.

And the tactic used on that fight is really easy: all you have to is to run in circles around the central island (aka, "il rondo" strategy Wink ), as the wall it has in the center will be an awesome shield to protect your toon against the attacks of Belial and his monions (mainly the aura he casts the leaves your Health on 1 pt), while you cast your attacks as mad.

As an example, a short video showing what is explained above. I refuse to use a toon that is able to use one-shot Belial (aka, caster) so this way I do hope that the video is more useful for newbies who could be having problems on this Uber....and also as this days I´ve been helping on increasing a little bit the info on a bowzon guide of this forum, this way I kill two birds with just one stone:

And remember to be always kind with Henchmans, as these creatures summoned by Belial will be your allies there, not only since the defensive point of view (LAEK or whatever source of surbivality you were using on your toon an also to make your reanimates appear), but also ofensively to release your procs Cheers!
Son of Lucion

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by Stealthmaster Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:10 pm

Awesome, amigo! Clap Clap Thanks for this microguide. Cookie'd.
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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by TQer Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:48 am

Thanks a lot, Stealth!!!!.
Son of Lucion

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by TQer Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:51 pm

A new input to this thread, as I saw that this Uber was also missing on the reply that opened the thread, that hope could be of help to newbies too:

-The Triune.

Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 JMhinp3

Consider this place not only as the area where you get another new charm, but also a nice area to farm as it has a quite good drop rate of sacred uniques, and also with some dedication you will make a good collection of cycles that can be used on different purposes and that will become a great help to polish details on your toons until you had been able to get all the items that will configure the end game gear of your toons (cycles of speed to reach the speed breakpoints aimed on each of your toons, cyles of luck when farming, cycles of power on non strength based toons to meet equipment requirements until you had crafted nice jewels, cycles of Strenght, to be used on Str based toons that doesn´t count on a high enough attack rating/a ITD on his gear, etc....).

I had focus this video on just the boss fight as on the rest of the Uber I don´t see anything that requires any explanation; just hit-hit-hit while you keep on moving to keep your toon always safe from the meteors casted by the Temple Spires and that´s all.

Also have some caution at the end of the narrow corridor that leads to the final area where you will meet there Primus Messenger, as his attacks will make your health go down to 1 if they made impact on your toon (so any of the monsters that are wondering around will finish you off).

And then the fight, which can be a little bit tricky in the beggining but after a few tries you will see that it is hilariously easy:

A few tips for newbies again:

-The area choosen on the video above is the area I suggest to be used on that fight. The more time you keep Arihan there, the easier the fight will be, as there you have a "clear room" that allows you to have always a good visivility.
- Until you had get used to the fight, it is easier to use a ranged toon to keep those bats summoned by Primus Messenger always under control (if you use a caster, that is even more easier, as you don´t even need your gear to do that)
-When luring Ariham from the room you will meet him until that place, it is better (at least IMO) not to use charm on him, as when being charmed Ariham becomes completely stupid and can make that part last too much (due to Murphy´s Law; when being charmed he has sometimes the tendency to move on any direction, unless the one you want him to go, or even not moving at all). And the same until you had made him get close to Primus meesenger (just like I did on the first seconds of that video).
Not 100% sure of this, but for what I have seem there, the closer you make your toon be from non charmed Arihan, the less times he will cast his curse on you, focusing instead on trying to hit you with his mele attack. So abuse of this when luring him to the place where you want (not only on the "approaching stage of the fight but later too. Just beware on increasing the security distance  you are keeping between your toon and him, once Arihan had entered into "turbo mode" (once you had lowered his life around 1/5 or so))
-And when Ariham has entered the "ring" the only thing you have to do is make as many "fire arrows" thrown by the Messenger make impact of your temporal ally, having in mind that when he has been next to the Messenger for a short time, your skills (charm included) will be locked due to the temporal AOE "curse" casted by the Messenger (you will see that both, cursed Ariham and your toon, turns "blue"). So when this happens just retreat a little bit to make your toon gets out of the area of effect of it, cast charm again over Arihan, and continue your work until Arihan had died.
-Also the "teleport nova" can eventualy complicate the things there. Do not worry about this: remember that you count there on two lures to make Arihan come to the place where you want him to be: those bats summoned by the Messenger when he is charmed....and your own toon, when he isn´t (so also consider your toon as the best lure to make those fire arrows fly on the direction you want them to go until the Messenger had focus all his wrath on Arihan)  Wink
-And, althought it is already said on the description of the Tome of Possession dropped by Vaca Loca, juts in case: remember to re-equip it if you die to make Arihan loose his 100% avoidance aura when being charmed.

Last edited by TQer on Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:20 pm; edited 3 times in total
Son of Lucion

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by Gekko64 Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:54 pm

another very useful post, thank you Smile

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by TQer Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:05 pm

Grazie mille, Gekko Very Happy ! Hope it could be useful to someone.
Son of Lucion

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Guide to all Uberquests - Page 10 Empty Re: Guide to all Uberquests

Post by void Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:18 pm

+Good video and explanation.
+Music made my day. Thumbs Up
=Cookie of course!
Prince Albrecht

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